The Tourettic Bully-Proofer | Blog

Author name: M H

My reason for developing this website is to try to help anyone who is currently having to endure bullying of any kind so that you can understand why I think that I have the knowledge and experience to advise other people on how to handle this incredibly destructive scourge on the human race.


Counter Culture

If I have said it once, I have said it a million times. In addition to being responsible for the



No, this article has absolutely NOTHING to do with guns or weapons of any kind. It has to do with


Don’t Just Sit By

Don’t just sit by and do nothing if you get even a hint that your child is being bullied online. This could literally be a deadly mistake. There was a 12 year-old sixth grade girl in New Jersey who killed herself after being taunted and bullied on Snapchat in 2017. As the story goes…

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